
أختار اللغة

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الشركات المميزة

يرجى العلم بأن حسابك في الشركات المميزة غير فَعّال حتى الآن! لاكمال حسابك وتفعيلة، اضغط على حسابي .    حسابي

ZainTech Solutions FZ-LLZ

  • العنوان

    Bldg. 47, Str. 14, District 605 Hay Al Mutanabi, Al Mansoor Baghdad, Iraq

  • الهاتف

  • فاكس

  • الهاتف النقال


نظرة عامة

The company is positioned to drive transformation of enterprise and government customers in the MENA region by providing a center of excellence and managed solutions, across multiple ICT verticals including cloud, cybersecurity, big data, IoT, AI, smart cities, drones, and emerging technologies. ZainTech leverages Zain’s global reach, unique regional footprint, and infrastructure across its operations in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Jordan, Iraq, and the United Arab Emirates as well as in other key markets in the Middle East. ZainTech forms a key pillar in the evolution of Zain’s business to maximize value and build on the company’s many strengths to selectively create and invest in growth verticals beyond standard mobile services. This is a key pillar in Zain’s vision of becoming a leading ICT and digital lifestyle provider.

المنتجات والخدمات

Master Planning Data & Analytics Smart Sustainability Smart Security Smart Mobility Smart Healthcare Cybersecurity DNX Digital Platform Software Development & Digital Services Data Integration

الرجاء اكمال النموذج ادناه لمراسة المورد

البريد الإلكتروني
ادخل محتوى الرسالة الحد الاعلى 600 حرف